The Purpose of Ribert Culture & Communication


The purpose of Ribert Culture & Communication is to bring out the best in every individual, in order to create a more constructive world for all of us. This means

  • handling the tensions within myself, in order to enable the force that resides in me to develop into a constructive means for myself and those I communicate with
  • clarifications between you and me – between mine and yours – so that we understand each other more deeply
  • develop a trust within you, and within the groups and organisations you belong to

…so that we – together – can create good, progressive, sustainable, and solution-oriented societies.


Democracy from Scandinavia, to the World

I like to think that I am morally obliged to export the goods that our Scandinavian tradition of equality-oriented democracy has brought forth. I am more fortunate than most people , and most of the reasons for this are random. I am lucky enough to have been born in this rich part of the world, thus it becomes increasingly important that I do something more for the world than just lying around «basking in the glow of the benefits from oil»; the oil which this country was lucky enough to find within its territories. I grew up in a financially stable family, with open doors and the possibility of exploring my potential; to learn skills and acquire knowledge. It is my duty to communicate and use these skills and knowledge, on as wide a scale as possible.












It is not solely a duty, but also a great joy. When I am invited, engaged, and sought out for my expertise, it is a pleasure to try to perform to the best of my abilities – and exciting to be given the privilege of being of significance in the lives of other people, of groups and organisations, and to contribute to the constructive and enriching development within them.


Diversity from the world, to Scandinavia

We have gained a lot through our democratic approach, but we also lost something on the way. Being humble towards, and open to the idea that other cultures’ way of organising and that their thought patterns can carry benefits and results that are better than ours, are also important to me. For example, in many cultures the family and other close relations are given higher value than we give them here. This results in these other cultures having different, and sometimes better, solutions within, for instance, care for the elderly. The Western world has also come a long way in controlling the individual citizen, thus developing instruments and mechanisms to make sure everyone pays their taxes and that everyone can enjoy the benefits of the welfare state. This is good. Simultaneously it has its disadvantages. For instance; these rigid mechanisms hinder immigrants and new countrymen in the Scandinavian countries from establishing themselves here. We, and they, thus miss out their creativity, their efforts and their manpower.

For the most part, solutions to these societal paradoxes are complicated and complex. Ribert Culture & Communication has found that the solution is often found in, and through, dialogue: Through sitting down and listening to how others choose to do things, by thoroughly studying their ways and answers and acting upon the belief that «the others» have good, and new ways of contributing to our Scandinavian societies.

Yet another benefit of the dialogue is that it opens up for, and enables creativity. By being in dialogue with people of different minds, different opinions, possibly with conflicting interests, and talk, listen, brainstorm and think aloud together, we can reach results and ideas that no one has thought of before and that are better and more «bulletproof» than what any of us could have come up with on our own. Dialogue in practice displays the beauty, and constitutes the importance, of freedom of speech. As it creates growth and development.


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